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Classroom Policies and Procedures


This is another very special year in your child's school career! Third grade is a time to experience more independent work and acquire new skills in all subject areas.  We will also be spending a lot of time collaborating and learing how to speak effectively with peers and adults.  We hope to instill a love of learning  and inquiry that will last throughout your child's years of schooling.  Here are some specific things you should know about our classrooms:


Rules and Consequences
To provide a safe and optimum-learning environment, all students are expected to follow all classroom rules to the best of their ability.


 *Classroom Rules


1. Listen when others are talking.

2. Follow directions.

3. Keep hands, feet, and objects to yourself.

4. Work quietly and do not disturb others.

5. Show respect for school and personal property.

6. Work and play in a safe manner.

Restorative Justice Practices

In order to build and reinforce a positive classroom community, we use approaches such as dialogues, peace circles, conferencing, and peer-led mediation, and restorative practices get to the root cause of student behavior.


Arrival and Dismissal

School starts at 8:25. Please make sure your child arrives to school on time each day ready to learn and participate. All students are to line up on the playground and come in with their class. Dismissal is at 3:15 all students must be picked up no later that 3:25 each day.


We plan to recognize student birthdays during our Morning Meeting time.  We would like to discourage any food items for celebrations due to student allergies.  Non-food items are welcome to be shared in the classroom, however. Please contact your child's homeroom teacher if you would like to bring in items to share with the class.

Absences and Make-Up Work

If there is makeup work that can be completed at home it will be in his/her mailbox to be taken home and completed.  Please be aware that the majority of classwork is hands-on cooperative learning and not in the form of worksheets.  We request any work be returned promptly.  Other arrangements will be made for tests that are missed due to absence. It is important for all students to attend on a regular basis, so they do not miss out on learning opportunities!



All homework is to be kept in the student’s homework folder.  Homework assignments will be distributed every Monday and are due on the following Monday. Your support in helping your child to make sure that their homework is complete is appreciated.

Math homework will be graded as a completion grade. A check mark is completed well, a x is not completed, and a zero is for homework not turned in.

In addition to daily homework, third grade students are encouraged to read at least 20 minutes each night. It can be with parents, siblings, or independent/silent reading. Reading logs are a required part of homework. Students will also have an opportunity to log their reading online at (more information will be given at a later date.)  Please approach reading logs with the same respect given to daily homework. 


**The majority of student homework may include online assignments.**


Toys and Personal Belongings

Toys, gadgets, electronic games (including Pokemon) and devices, makeup and purses are highly discouraged in the classroom. Please be aware that we will not assume responsibility for lost, damaged, or stolen items.  If a student would like to read from a personal device (i.e. Kindle) during school hours, please contact us to make arrangements. 



Please stop by the main office to sign in before coming to the classroom.

We welcome and encourage parental participation in the classroom, so feel free to let us know when you would like to volunteer!




Morning Specials: 


Gym- Wednesday


Afternoon specials classes are scheduled on an ABCD rotation. 

A day-

B day-

C day-

D day-


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